Thursday, July 26, 2012

Protozoa and Metazoa

In the  creature world ,there are 2 types of animals.  Metazoa and Protozoa.Protozoa are singular celled. Metazoa  are multi-cellular organisms such as   Homo sapiens or  humans. An example of Protozoa is a  Stentor . Here a picture of a Stentor.

 So you get the idea , right? Fish , snakes , cats , dogs , primates , birds , amphibians , dolphins , bats ,  bears , raccoons  ,  cows , goats , sheep , hyenas ,monotremes ( like the platypus ) ,are all    Metazoa and some Protozoa are :


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Almost everyone has heard of a leech .But not every one knows that not all leeches are parasitic. One thing they all are related to earthworms and  both are annelids. Annelids are worms that have segments. I bet you did not know this. Leeches are good swimmers. They swim in an S shape.Most leech species do not feed on human blood, but instead prey on small invertebrates, which they eat whole. The ones that are parasitic do eat blood though. If one does bite you, you wont notice it .This is because they have anesthetic in their saliva or spit. A long time ago people thought sickness was caused by bad blood . So they put leeches on  the sick .  Did you think that worked ? It  never did. Then they put leeches in hospitals again. They let the leeches feed on a spot near an operation. Their anticoagulant makes the blood keep flowing to the spot so it can heal faster.
 My dad told me if you put rock salt on a leach that is biting you , it will stop. Leeches are pretty


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Taipan Inland (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

 The Taipan Inland is the world's most  venomous land snake.It is the most venomous land snake,but not that aggressive. In fact it is very shy . Did you know that they change color during the seasons. This is one in summer:

And this one is in winter:

The first one is almost white, and the second is black.
 Like other snakes the Taipan Inland is a meat eater . The Inland Taipan consumes mostly rodents, small mammals and birds. Unlike other venomous snakes that strike with a single accurate bite then retreat while waiting for the prey to die, the Inland Taipan is known to deliver up to eight venomous bites in a single attack. 
So I guess they are not aggressive to humans , but to their prey.Taipan Inlands are cool.