Monday, July 27, 2009

The Blue whale too close to the shore

Once upon a time there were 300 poor people who did not have houses to stay so they just made tents and lived on

the beach. They did fishing for their food. One day they saw some wood which was giant enough to make a sail boat.

They made the sail boat and went in the sail boat deep into the ocean, far away from the shore. After a while they

were hungry and went fishing. One guy got a Tuna, another guy got a shark, another guy got a tropical fish and

another guy while fishing he got a humongous whale! The fin of the whale tried to flip the boat but it was too late

they escaped and sailed towards land. One person fell into the water and the humongous whale swallowed the man. The

man went inside the whale and wondered why the whale swallowed a pail, a gull and a ladder!. He just got an idea,

he thought of climbing on the ladder and escape through the whale's spout. Before he could climb out he saw another

man who said, "if you want to go out, you need to pinch the inner skin of the whale and then climb" while this man

said, "I am just going to use this ladder to climb and escape out of the spout". The other man on hearing this idea

he said, "you are a genius!" But then there was no need to use a ladder, the water came in and the whale breathed

out , "SP LUSH.................................." and both the man came popping out with other stuffs and

"thud............" they fell into the beach sand. The second man said to the first man, "Hey look you have a tea pot

on your head instead of a are a genius!" The second man showed his tent and said to the first man, "I am

poor and I live here in this tent". The first man said, "Hey I am your neighbour and even I live in one of these

tents". Then he saw that the whale was coming to the shore again. So they built a sign and everybody gathered and

sat on each other's neck so the whale thought that it was some kind of monster and it got scared and went back into

the deep sea again. The whale was scared to come back to the shore again.
One fine day the poor people saw lot of money near their tents. Wow! they became rich! People gave the money to

the poor people because these poor people had chased away the scary whale which once had frightened the people on

the beach and tried to swallow their babies playing on the beach. These poor people also helped to find the lost

babies and they had made a section on the beach where they kept all the lost and found babies so that the parents

can come and pick up their own children.
One fine day there were so much people on the beach because everyone loved the beach and they were not scared of

the whale anymore and even if the whale comes they know to scare it instead of killing it. The people saw a banner

about the first man and the second man and how they scared the whale. All the people on the beach got a notice in

which it said, "If you are scared of any animal coming close be it a snake,a lion, a leopard, a cheetah or even a

tiger, do not kill it instead scare it away. Only fishing is OK as we know people need to eat fish. Ham is OK as

people do need to eat ham or chicken,hen or egg are OK too"
The day the men got into the whale and came out became a celebration and also the day the poor people got money

and became rich also became a celebration day. The first and the second man were richest of all as they got and

cash and cheque.

Moral of the story: Never kill animals if you are frightened just scare them