Monday, August 20, 2012

green anaconda

A green anaconda is the heaviest snake in the world. An adult can weigh over 550 pounds ! It can also grow up to 29 feet. That is long but the reticulated python is longer. Since its green you might think it lives in a forest , right? Correct . It lives in the amazon rain-forest in South America. This snake is a constrictor meaning its not poisonous,but kills its prey by suffocating it. Like other snakes, a green anaconda has open really wide. In fact they even eat caimans!here is a picture of one eating:

Some people have claimed to have seen a 30 or 40 foot anaconda. Now there is a reward of 50,000 dollars to anyone who can find and capture a 30 or longer anaconda.The prize has not been claimed, and i am positive  it will  be claimed. Green anacondas are one of the coolest snakes.