Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Ocean

Did you know that the ocean has more stuff than the land?
Thats true because it has so many creatures which are the seasnake, octopus also poisonous octopuses and seadragons. If you go deep into the ocean there will be no air! There will be very dangerous fishes which live deep in the ocean.
Some tornadoes can make the ocean swish and make waves behind as it goes to the land. The seadragons are actually not dragons which can blow fire. These sea dragons cannot blow fire. Dragons can fly also whereas these sea dragons don't fly. The sea dragons are part of the sea horse family.
Do you think whales breathe underwater?
The answer is NO! They come to the surface and breathe using their blow holes. They are mammals.

The sea snakes breathe air like us but they can hold their breathe for hours! They come out of the ocean and breathe.

Some poisonous octopuses have so many blue circles on them. Those blue circles has poison.

The ocean is bigger than the land.

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