Monday, January 17, 2011


Crocodiles are cold blooded, which means they are a type of reptile. Do you know that the largest crocodile has a bite force as much as a pickup truck sitting on you. This is the scariest part we know about crocodile but on the other hand, there is also another softer side to a crocodile which is about love and caring, by the mother crocodile. It is proven that among reptiles only crocodiles and their relatives tend both eggs and hatchlings, while other egg-laying reptiles hatch long after the parents have abandoned the eggs.

The mom crocodile go about digging underground to make the nest for the eggs. The mom crocodile will then lay 20 to 60 eggs in the nest and then she will bury it. She will then keep an eye on the nest and protect them from predators such as monitor lizards, honey badgers.

Few months have passed and the area will be full of squeaking sound. The mother will soon start to dig where the eggs were hidden by her in the underground nest. The babies start to come out. The mother crocodile takes care of her baby crocodiles until they are able to hunt adequately for themselves.

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