Saturday, April 10, 2010

Which Dinosaurs steal eggs

People sometimes wonder if there was a dinosaur which steal eggs. Well there was a dinosaur which did the same thing. It was called "Oviraptor". In fact its name's meaning itself is "Egg Stealer". We don't know if oviraptor hunted in the herd. We can't find any answers about this because there is no animal that steals eggs and hunts in a herd.

A full grown Oviraptor measured about 7 feet long, and weighed about 55-76 pounds.
It had long legs, was fast, and walked on two legs. The Oviraptor had an S-shaped neck, a long tail, and curved claws. It had a parrot-like beak, and a horn like crest.

Even though we think they were carnivorous, they were in fact omnivores. According to old earth scientists, Oviraptor lived in the Cretaceous period, about 88-70 million years ago. Their fossils are found in Mongolia.


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  2. Hi Shreyas

    I'm waiting to read more stories from you. Looks like you've been busy with other things for the past one month. Do post your new stories and fun facts.

    Thaiyyan mama.

  3. Hi Shreyas

    Why are not posting new stories? I'm waiting to read your posts.

    Thaiyyan mama.
